How to Convert to WEBP in 3 Simple Steps

  1. Upload the files. Upload images that you want to convert to WEBP into Watermarkly. It’s possible to import from your device or a cloud storage. Since our WEBP converter works in a browser, you can process your files on any device you want. The only requirement is to have a browser and connection to the internet. convert to webp
  2. Set the necessary settings. Next, choose the file format that your images need to be converted to – WEBP. You can pick the image quality, as well. If you need the best quality possible, select the option with the words “Maximum quality”. Please keep in mind that depending on the settings, it might take the WEBP converter a longer time to process your files. webp converter
  3. Save the processed files. Once you are done with the settings, click on the “Covert File” button. The converting itself is completely automatic – you don’t have to do anything. Once the process is finished, you will need to save the converted copies. That’s right, the original files will remain unchanged. You can download the WEBP files to your device or one of the cloud storages. convert image to webp

How to Change Size When Converting to WEBP

Watermarkly allows you to convert to WEBP and change the size of your files at the same time. There’s no need to switch between the apps for this. More to that, you can enter a specific number for width or height or change both pixel dimensions. Additionally, it is possible to make an image smaller or bigger by a certain percent. Let’s take a look at the resizing options that our WEBP converter offers.

convert images to webp

Do not resize

If you don’t want to change the size of your images, then this is the option for you. If you select it, you will get processed copies of the same size as the originals after converting to WEBP.

Exact Width

With this option, you’ll be able to change the width of your image. In other words, you enter a specific number of pixels for the width that the image needs to have after you convert to WEBP. The height will be changed automatically. On the right side of the settings, you will see the size of the original image and what size the processed version will have.

Exact Height

This options works pretty much the same as the previous one, except that instead of width, you enter a specific number for the height. The width will then be changed automatically. This option and the previous one are perfect if your image already has the necessary aspect ratio.

Exact Width and Height

If you want to change both pixel dimensions after you convert to WEBP, this option is for you. Here, you can enter the exact number of pixels for both the height and the width. Please note that your new pixel dimensions might produce the aspect ratio that is different from the one that the original image has. For example, if you enter 1000x1000px, that’s a square, which is a 1:1 aspect ratio. And your original image has the 2:3 aspect ratio. So, the aspect ratios are different. This is why you will need to choose what you want the WEBP converter to do – it can crop your image to the new aspect ratio. It can also generate pixels or add white pixels around the image to obtain the required size and aspect ratio.

Not Larger Than

This option allows you to enter a new number of pixels for both height and width. However, the WEBP converter won’t resize the image to these exact numbers. Instead, it will resize your image so that its pixel dimensions aren’t bigger than what you have entered. For example, if you enter 1000x1000px, your image can be resized to 1000x750 px after converting to WEBP. This is a great option if there is a certain size limit that you need to meet. For example, if you want to post your WEBP images on a website or a social media platform.


If you want to convert to WEBP and make your images smaller or bigger, but you don’t have specific pixel dimensions in mind, you can use this option. Here, you can make your entire image bigger or smaller by a certain number of percent. By default, your original image is 100%. You can enter 85 percent, which means that your converted image will be smaller than the original by 15%. The aspect ratio of your image will stay the same.

Why Watermarkly is Great Tool to Convert to WEBP

You can convert images to WEBP in our app with just a few clicks. You don’t need to have any experience or skills in graphic design or image editing. Our WEBP converter has a straightforward and user-friendly interface, which is certainly a big benefit. Let’s take a look at what other advantages it has.

Free of charge

That’s right. With our app, you can convert images to WEBP for free. Moreover, you won’t see any annoying ads or huge banners that make it impossible to work. There are no pops or any other distractions. You won’t have to sign up, provide your email address or any other personal information. You can simply open the app and start converting your images.

Accessible on any device

Since our WEBP converter is web-based and the entire conversion process takes place in a browser, you can use it on pretty much any device. It’s possible to convert files to WEBP on a computer, tablet, or smartphone – no matter what operating system you have. All you need is a browser and a stable internet connection.

Completely safe and secure

All your files are processed directly in your browser; no one can access them during or after the conversion. No one will be able to get their hands on your images.We don’t store anything on our servers – neither files nor private information. You can rest assured about the safety of your data.

Simple and straightforward

An uncomplicated interface and a basic set of essential tools make it easy to convert to WEBP in a matter of minutes. Even if you’ve never edited images or converted files from one format to another before, you will have no problem using our WEBP converter. It’s so easy that even a child can do it! If you have any questions, please contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

Not just for converting

You’ll be happy to know that Watermarkly allows you not only to convert to WEBP but do some other things. On our website you can also resize and crop images as well as add watermark to PDF and photos. In case you didn’t know, watermarking can be used for both protecting your images from being stolen and promoting your brand on the internet at the same time.

More About the WEBP Format

WEBP is a file format introduced by Google in 2010. It was supposed to replace JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats. This is due to the fact that WEBP combines all the main advantages that these other formats have. It supports animation like GIF. It supports alpha transparency and lossless compression like PNG as well as a lossy compression like JPEG. And, similarly to JPEG, the size of WEBP files tends to be smaller than PNG or GIF files.

Compression technologies and algorithms of WEBP are more advanced than in other formats. Thanks to this, when compressed, the file size of images can be significantly reduced without a noticeable loss of quality. If you compare compression efficiency and maintenance of good image quality in WEBP and other popular formats, you’ll see that WEBP is more superior than others.

Predictive coding is used in WEBP’s lossy compression to encode an image. This is the same method that is used by the VP8 video codec to compress keyframes in videos. To reconstruct new pixels, already seen image fragments and local palette are used in WEBP’s lossy compression. This format allows you to reduce the file size of an image by 25-35% and the image will look just as good as the original. For this reason, this format is quite popular for sharing visual content on the internet. You can upload more images onto your website without taking too much memory space on a server.

Advantages of the WEBP Format over Others

The main advantage of WEBP is that its files have a small file size and excellent quality. These two aspects are essential when it comes to sharing your images online. No one wants to look at pixelated and blurry images; thus, your images need to have a good quality. But if your image will be of a big file size, it will take forever to load on a website.

No visitors will wait for the images to load. They will lose their patience and leave; this is especially true for mobile devices. This will have a negative effect on the website’s traffic, which is something you’ll probably want to avoid. That’s where WEBP shines. After all, this format was developed specifically for the web.

Let's compare WEBP to other common formats:

Convert to WEBP vs Convert to JPEG

Both JPEG and WEBP images tend to produce files of a smaller size compared to PNG, for instance. This is one of the reasons why JPEG is quite wide-spread and is supported by pretty much all browsers and software. JPEG images are usually of a decent quality and this format is great for photos that have lots of colors and details in them; unlike PNG.

But the main drawback of JPEG is that it only supports lossy compression, which means that if you compress an image, you will lose some data in it. Therefore, you won’t be able to restore your image after the conversion, if necessary. And it might affect the image quality in a negative way as well. Meanwhile, WEBP supports both lossy and lossless compression, which is why you’ll get images of a smaller size, yet better quality than JPEGs.

Convert to WEBP vs Convert to PNG

WEBP has an advantage over PNG as well. PNG files have a perfect balance of image quality and file size. PNG also supports lossy compression, which means if you compress PNGs, you won’t lose any data and will be able to restore them to their original state.

However, PNG files tend to be of a bigger size than JPEG. Plus, PNG is only good for logos and images with lots of text. This format isn’t suitable for photos due to its limited color palette. This isn’t the issue for WEBP, though. It handles colors and color gradients excellently, which is why it’s great for photos, graphics or images with text. At the same time, WEBP files can be around 20 – 30% smaller than PNG files.

When you Might Want to Convert to WEBP

Converting images to WEBP can be applicable in these cases:

  1. Freeing some memory space: Compressing WEBP files often produces better results than compressing files of other formats; for instance compressing JPEG or PNG. You can get images that will have a good quality and smaller file size. And the smaller the file size is, the less memory space your images will take up.
  2. Images will load faster on a webpage: A small file size matters not only when it comes to memory space. It’s also important when it comes to loading images on a website. Image of a small file size will load much faster. That’s exactly what you want if your goal is to keep visitors on your website. This is especially important if people visit your website on a mobile device or if they have a slow internet connection.
  3. Support for animations and transparency: WEBP supports animation and transparency, which means that it’s suitable for various types of visual content, including images with an alpha channel (transparency) and animated images.
  4. Good image quality at a smaller size: In some cases, a WEBP image can have the same size as a JPG or a smaller size than a PNG, yet its image quality can be far better.

However, there’s a drawback that you need to be aware of. WEBP is a great format, yet not all apps and software support it. It’s not as widespread as JPG, for instance. This is something you need to keep in mind and convert your images to WEBP only when you know for sure that your target audience will be able to view images in this format. If you want to work with WEBP images in a specific software, you need to make sure that it supports this format, too.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the WEBP format, and what is its main advantage?

WEBP is a raster graphics format developed by Google. Its main advantage is that it supports both lossy and lossless compression and can produce images that have a small file size, yet excellent image quality. At the same time, it handles colors just as well as a JPEG.

What is the difference between WEBP and PNG formats?

PNG files tend to have a perfect balance between file size and image quality. Both PNG and WEBP support transparency. However, WEBP handles colors much better than PNG, which is why it’s perfectly suitable for photos. At the same time, WEBP images can be of a smaller size than PNG images, yet their quality will be pretty much the same.

Why is the WEBP format considered to be efficient?

First of all, this format produces images of good quality yet small file size. This is a perfect combination for images that you want to share on the internet because, this way, they will load much faster on a webpage. The faster the image loads, the quicker the visitors will see it. Plus, they won’t have to use a ton of internet traffic on viewing a single webpage, which is definitely a bonus. This is especially important for people who use mobile internet.

Which images should I convert to WEBP?

You can convert to WEBP pretty much any image that you want to share online. This format is good for images with wide range of colors and details – for instance, photos. Their excellent image quality will be maintained.

Can I convert images to WEBP on a smartphone?

Of course you can! Our WEBP converter works in a browser, so you can convert to WEBP on any device that has a browser and access to the internet, including smartphones.

Do I need to pay to convert to WEBP?

No, you don’t. Watermarkly’s WEBP converter allows you to convert an unlimited number of files absolutely for free. There are also some additional editing features that are available at no extra cost. Check out the following tools: add text to image, watermark images, blur faces and blur license plates.

Can I convert multiple files to WEBP in one go?

Yes, you can. Our WEBP converter supports batch processing. Simply upload all the necessary files into the Watermarkly’s app, set the settings and start the converting process.