Over the last couple of decades, PDF has become one of the most popular file formats that’s utilized in various industries. If you’ve ever purchased an e-book, filled out an interactive Tax Form or had to send a resume over the Internet, you’ve probably come across this format before. If you own a computer or a smartphone, there’s a very high chance that you downloaded a PDF at least once in your life.
Without a doubt, PDF is one of the most popular file formats in the world. It’s commonly used for documents, CVs, e-books, cover letters, brochures, etc. That’s because it has a lot of benefits and advantages – security is one of them. You’re probably very well aware of the fact that editing a PDF can be a tricky task. Usually, you need some special software to do so.
PDF editing on a Mac can involve a variety of different tasks: some might be easy and simple, so even a beginner won’t have any trouble doing them, meanwhile others can be more advanced and require some skills. It’s possible to make small tweaks like adding annotations, watermarks or other elements. More complex editing includes editing the actual text or changing the structure of a document. For instance, you can delete, rearrange or merge pages of your PDF.
Documents are often stored and shared in the PDF format because of its benefits. Whatever content you put in it – be it text or different types of images – it will be of excellent quality and look sharp and great. PDFs are also perfect for printing. But most importantly, this format is often chosen precisely because it is secure. It is insanely easy to make any edits in a Word document. PDFs, on the other hand, tend to be quite challenging to edit. In addition to this, it is possible to make your PDF even more secure.