5 Watermark Ideas for Your Visual Content

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Watermarking Tips

Just a few years ago, watermarks were mostly used by photographers and artists. As you may know, the main purpose of watermarks is to protect images from unauthorized use and copyright infringement. But as the popularity of social media platforms and various web services keeps growing, more and more people see the benefits of this tool. These days content creators and business owners, who promote their businesses online, utilize watermarks quite often. It may come as a surprise, but watermarks are more than a security tool.

watermark ideas

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How to Upscale an Image in Photoshop

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Resize Photo

The majority of people tend to think that if they need to resize an image in Photoshop without quality loss, they can only make it smaller. Reducing the size of an image is, indeed, easier, because all Photoshop needs to do is to remove a handful of pixels. This process is usually careful and precise, which is why the image quality is barely affected.

how to upscale an image in photoshop

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How to Circle Crop in Canva

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Crop Photo

Images are often cropped to improve composition. Generally speaking, only one compositional technique will work perfectly for a circular image – the central composition. It means that you should place your main subject in the center because that’s where the audience will look first. When you crop into a circle, it’s even easier to remove any visual noise and distractions because there won’t be any corners where potential distractions can sneak into.

how to circle crop in canva

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How to Secure a PDF

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Watermarking Tips

Documents are often stored and shared in the PDF format because of its benefits. Whatever content you put in it – be it text or different types of images – it will be of excellent quality and look sharp and great. PDFs are also perfect for printing. But most importantly, this format is often chosen precisely because it is secure. It is insanely easy to make any edits in a Word document. PDFs, on the other hand, tend to be quite challenging to edit. In addition to this, it is possible to make your PDF even more secure.

how to secure a PDF

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How to Add a Watermark in PowerPoint

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Watermarking Tips

If you are wondering whether you should add a watermark to a PowerPoint presentation, the answer is yes. Naturally, the main purpose of a watermark is to protect your digital property and prevent unauthorized use. Afterall, it is possible for someone to steal your presentation – the presentation you’ve been working so hard on! – and pass it as their own. If you don’t want this to happen, you should watermark your PowerPoint presentation. It’s a great and effective way to safeguard your digital property.

watermark in powerpoint

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