Why Should You Resize an Image?

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Resize Photo

Before we get into why you’d want to resize your pictures, let’s talk about what image size actually is. Digital images produced by cameras and smartphones consist of pixels. In the world of photography, resolution is the number of pixels an image contains. Naturally, the higher the resolution the better the quality of a photo. But at the same time, if your image contains a lot of pixels, its file size will also be quite large; in case you don’t know what a file size is, it’s the amount of bytes your file takes up in your device’s memory.

Why Should You Resize an Image

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How to Upscale an Image in Photoshop

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Resize Photo

The majority of people tend to think that if they need to resize an image in Photoshop without quality loss, they can only make it smaller. Reducing the size of an image is, indeed, easier, because all Photoshop needs to do is to remove a handful of pixels. This process is usually careful and precise, which is why the image quality is barely affected.

how to upscale an image in photoshop

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