5 Free AI Apps for Simple Photo Editing

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Photography

AI is gaining more and more popularity. There are a ton of different AI-powered tools for image editing that can be used on different platforms and devices. AI-powered apps use artificial intelligence and machine learning to make editing tasks that are usually done manually simpler, easier and quicker. They can analyze the content of your image, identify what details need to be kept as well as detect which parts need to be removed.

5 Free AI Apps for Simple Photo Editing

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Street Portrait Photography: Tips and Techniques

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Photography

Without a doubt, people are an integral part of street photography which is all about capturing life. This genre can be challenging and rewarding, and when it comes to street portraits, it’s no different. In fact, it can be even more challenging if you decide to approach people and ask if you could take a photo of them…and you’re a bit of an introvert. It will definitely force you to step out of your comfort zone.

Street Portrait Photography

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Best Cameras for Street Photography 2024

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Photography

Street photography is one of the trickiest genres of photography to do. But at the same time, it offers a lot of room for experimentation. So, it’s worth mentioning right away that you don’t need a special camera to start doing street photography. Frankly speaking, you can even shoot with your smartphone – there’s a decent amount of street photographers that shoot exclusively with a smartphone. However, you need to keep in mind that a digital camera will always give you more flexibility and produce better images than a smartphone.

best cameras for street photography

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5 Watermark Ideas for Your Visual Content

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Watermarking Tips

Just a few years ago, watermarks were mostly used by photographers and artists. As you may know, the main purpose of watermarks is to protect images from unauthorized use and copyright infringement. But as the popularity of social media platforms and various web services keeps growing, more and more people see the benefits of this tool. These days content creators and business owners, who promote their businesses online, utilize watermarks quite often. It may come as a surprise, but watermarks are more than a security tool.

watermark ideas

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How to Upscale an Image in Photoshop

by Lina Thorne Lina Thorne Updated · Posted in Resize Photo

The majority of people tend to think that if they need to resize an image in Photoshop without quality loss, they can only make it smaller. Reducing the size of an image is, indeed, easier, because all Photoshop needs to do is to remove a handful of pixels. This process is usually careful and precise, which is why the image quality is barely affected.

how to upscale an image in photoshop

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